OFSTED Registered Supported Living Accommodation Admissions Checklist

Mar 07, 2024

When establishing supported living accommodations for care leavers, one of the initial priorities is implementing a cohesive company workflow. This entails outlining standard operational practices that both managerial staff and support workers adhere to consistently. A visualisation flow chart can be particularly effective in delineating this workflow.

The process typically begins with the receipt of a referral, which may come in via telephone or email. Upon receiving a placement request form, the manager assesses its suitability, possibly consulting with the deputy manager, clinical psychologist, or other relevant professionals to determine compatibility. In instances where a missing person's grab pack is required, particularly in locations like London with protocols such as those of the Metropolitan Police, the manager ensures it is sent to the local authority.

Once deemed suitable, the manager proceeds to allocate an appropriate key worker or support worker, considering factors such as outreach hours agreed upon with the local authority. An email acceptance form is then sent to the local authority, marking the initiation of a new service user's file.

Simultaneously, the staff group is informed of the new addition, and preparations for accommodation are undertaken. The manager updates the list of service users accordingly and forwards it to the on-duty manager. A date for the new starter's move-in is agreed upon, followed by a 72-hour placement meeting involving the manager, key worker, and possibly other stakeholders like personal advisors or social workers.

During this meeting, documentation pertaining to the move-in process is completed, including the young person's guide and baseline assessment. If applicable, monthly supervision KPI forms are reviewed to devise a plan of work, discussing supervision arrangements and expectations with the new starter.

The key worker assumes responsibility for completing all moving-in paperwork within 72 hours and schedules regular meeting slots with the young person, establishing expectations around behaviour and direct work, often utilising a formalised program such as the Care Leavers program by Elevate Care Insights.

Additionally, the key worker ensures upcoming reviews, such as looked after child reviews or pathway plan reviews, are scheduled and documented. Support workers focus on completing baseline assessments, risk assessments, and daily logs, with the possibility of consulting with a clinical psychologist regarding referrals.

Contact reports and other documentation are completed by both key workers and support workers, with reports subsequently sent to the local authority. These reports contribute to internal KPIs and quality management processes, aiding in the support of OFSTED inspections and overall service improvement.

Elevate Care Insights have written a comprehensive programme for managers, young people and Key Worker of Supported Accommodation Insights have written a very comprehensive Workbook and programs for young people and for managers and owners of supported accommodation the program contains the complete guide to transitioning to adult hood for young people it also supports the care experience to young person to work directly on key areas within their life and supports the key worker and support worker as well as the manager to meet some of the vital parts of young people's development it includes chapters on transitioning to adult Hood your future education work and careers money and finances independent living life skills and mental and physical health each section includes information and guidance on what the young person the supervisor and the key work need to know about in any particular topic additionally there are exercises and reflections designed to ensure that the book is about the young person's future all provisions need a framework a framework to work with young people to undertake Direct work so it's a good framework for your provision is also evidence that you are making a difference because it is an outcomes based model looking at relationship based work with young people and you can also use it as your continuing quality improvement and as evidence to offstead and the local authority that you know what you're talking about based on years of experience from the people at elevate care insights as usual please do like and subscribe and leave any comments below but also below you will see the link to the care leavers charting your path program and Workbook which you can download in the immediately.

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